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Monday, December 30, 2019

Drug Abuse and Reprocussions Essay - 1781 Words

Facing everyday problemsin these recent years many people turn to drugs as an escape from the existance they hold. Drug use has rapidly increased in the last twenty years and has become a national crises. More people are experementing with different drugs at a younger age. Due to the rapid increase in drug abuse our government has looked to rehab as an alternative to jail. When a person thinks of a drug abuser one usually pictures a person that looks like thay had just jumped out of a garbage bin. What most people do not realize is that most drug offenders are the people one spends a lot of time with. Everyday humans are abusing drugs without anyone recognizing their illness (Phillips 22). Many symptoms of drug abuse are easily†¦show more content†¦The problem presented with this effect is that when the drug wears off the person is left with the same problems concerning their life as when they took the drug. This causes many users to take more of the drug to further escape the harsh reality of thier life. This taking and wearing off of the drug creates in the person a psychological dependancy to the drug which causes that person to want to do anything in their ability to get the drug and make that drug a part of their life (275). The most common drugs experimented with at the young ages of eight to fifteen are tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. These drugs are commonly called the gateway drugs and are considered the easiest to obtain. Most young people get started taking drugs with older friends who offered the drugs to them. With their desperete attempt to fit in these adolescent teenagers will take the drug without giving any thought to the effects on the body. Drug abuse has a great impact on the growth rate of an young human being. Because the body and mind of a young person has not reached full maturity, taking drugs will inhibit the natural growth of both. The younger the person the easier it is for them to become addicted. Drug use also stops all mental growth until the drugs are stopped (Phillips 9-11). The body of a young person also builds a tolerence to drugs faster and needs more of the drug to satisfy the cravings more often (Phillips 9). Many drugs are availableShow MoreRelated Society and Beauty3 264 Words   |  14 Pagesthe food is serving some purpose or has some meaning other than nutrition (Nardo 12).nbsp; In most cases, it is necessary to comprehend that an eating disorder is a psychological illness that progresses into an addiction similar to an alcohol or drug addiction.nbsp; The victim becomes hooked on food and discovers a pleasure in the fight against the enemy, her appearance.nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; The most well known eating disorder is

Sunday, December 22, 2019

As mental health services become more mainstream the...

As mental health services become more mainstream the individuals seeking those services become more diverse. The need for culturally competent counselors is on the rise. The following will highlight a scenario in which I am morally opposed to homosexuality and find myself working with a client who discloses he is homosexual and is having problems in his romantic relationship with another man. How I would handle this situation, ways in which my own moral standards in the context of this therapeutic relationship would be maintained, ways in which my moral stance might impact therapy, ways in which disclosure of my moral values may come into play, and considerations for how to address clashes between my own values and client values in the†¦show more content†¦I find that I can work with the client, but will need to maintain my own moral standards at the same time. The first step to maintaining my own moral standards in the context of this therapeutic relationship is to first be aware of my feelings and opinions regarding my client’s sexual orientation. Once I am aware, I need to be accepting of my feelings and opinions. Acceptance does not suggest I am right and the client is wrong, but rather that I am comfortable with my values and accept them as they are. It is not wise to ignore or deny these feelings as they will likely come out in unexpected ways. Once I have become aware of and accepted my morals, next I need to identify if they are coming into play with this client in a negative way. If my morals are coming into play there are several ways this impact the therapy I am doing with this client. The ways in which impact can occur is through building rapport, maintaining a therapeutic alliance, through my approach including treatment planning and goals, through transference or countertransference, and by limiting my ability to help this client with their issue. Before 1973 the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders viewed homosexuality as a psychological disorder. This resulted in treatment plans that involved reorienting the individual to be heterosexual (Fontaine Hammond, 1996). Although this practice is no longer common and has been debunked many times a metaphorical wedge betweenShow MoreRelatedThomas J. Dodd Research Study Sample746 Words   |  3 Pagesundergraduate and graduate students between the ages of 18 and 25 years old. The undergraduate and graduate students from psychology and sociology classes at the University of Connecticut are recruited to participate in a self-report survey. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Accounting Attachment Report Free Essays

string(50) " cheques and deposit slips and going to the bank\." 1. 0 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 The objectives of the Industrial attachment The purpose of industrial attachment is to bridge the gap between the theory and the practise of coursework learnt in the University of Botswana. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Attachment Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is meant to give students a clearer perspective of concepts learnt in the academic environment and in turn prepare them for the work environment upon completion of the degree programme. Internship is also aimed at give students a chance to apply the material learnt into a practical environment and get to know the work industry. In applying academic material, it is understood more and in familiarising with the work environment, a career option can be chosen. Part of the attachment was for students to create networks. networks are useful in securing jobs and getting information about the industry. 1. 2 Methodology The industrial attachment was conducted over the period between May 10th and July 27th 2012. This period amounted to a total of 10 weeks over the school holidays. It was after the third year of study in the degree. Each student, with the help of the internship coordinator had to find a company of their choice in the relevant field of study to work in. A place was to be secured through an application letter accompanied by a copy of a transcript, a letter of acknowledgement of student status from the University. A letter of acceptance would then be sent to the university by the company that agreed to attach a student and the area in which the student will work. Students were expected to work in various sectors of the company, but within their course of study while under attachment. The students were also to keep weekly log sheets which were to be signed by the supervisor with the work they had conducted. ? 2. 0 BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANISATION . 1 History of Great Advisory Services Dotaka Investments (Pty) Ltd was incorporated in Namibia in the year 2005. It has two businesses operating, an insurance brokerage called Coverage Insurance and an accounting business called Great Advisory Services. The company has two directors namely Alex Mundey and Gracia Hunde. Mr Mundey is a non-executive director while Miss Hunde is an executive direc tor. The insurance brokerage was the first business to be registered by the company in 2005 and has since grown to be one of the most renowned insurance broking firms in Namibia. The business headquarters are situated in the Windhoek International Finance Park while another branch operates in the Caesar International Office Park. This is because all insurance companies are found in the Caesar Office Park, making it convenient to get quotes upon request or to make an inquiry quicker. Having become a success and seeing the need for better accounting practise for the smaller businesses, the company diversified into the accounting field and registered a business named Great Advisory Services. The role of Great Advisory Services is to assist entrepreneurs to sustain their businesses by upholding proper and consistent accounting ethos. Great Advisory Services was registered in September 2011 and has been in operation since then. Not only does the business deal with accounting but it also in company secretarial and consultancy. It registers companies, sits as a director on the board and act as agents on submitting applications for permits. The staff includes Gracia Hunde, Elaine Chatonga and Palesa Mosa. Gracia Hunde is the executive director having gained all her knowledge from experience and is currently pursuing a degree in the University of South Africa. She mainly deals in company secretarial and business consultancy. Elaine Chatonga is the head accountant, having graduated with an Honourary degree in accounting and is pursuing chartered accountancy. She draws up the financial statements and calculates the tax returns due for all the clients and for the business as well. As head accountant, it is also her duty to supervise the work of the cler and make necessary changes. Palesa Mosa is the accounting clerk, having acquired an AAT qualification. As a clerk she does the day to day recording of accounts for the business and for the clients. She is also in charge of the petty cash book, answering calls, submitting tax returns and miscellaneous work. MISSION The mission of Geat Advisory Services is to provide accounting services to small, medium and large enterprises. In providing accounting services, the aim is to also influence the practise of proper accounting ethos and to improve the running and quality of business in the country. This is will be accomplished by building a relationship with the clients and explaining accounting procedures to them. By building relationships with clients and keeping a small number of clients, the company is able to focus on each client and not do a rush job. By targeting smaller businesses, the company is also able to probe into the finer details. Clientele These consist mainly of small businesses with very few employees as these are the main target of the business. Most of the clients are in the motoring industry and have just been contracted; hence there is not much history that has been built. The range of clients runs from auto mechanics to caterers, and interior designers. Clients are drawn in through word of mouth and through networking, as the company barely advertises itself. The biggest client of the firm is its own spear header- Coverage Insurance Brokers. Most of the clients are for accounting services as opposed to the other branches of the business. The business started with a small clientele base of 4, and has since increased to over 10 contracted clients in the accounting branch. 3. 0 MANAGEMENT, TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE INFORMATION 3. 2 Supervisor assistance I was also debriefed on other office duties that I would be taught which would have nothing to do with schoolwork but were skills needed in the office for example, filing, photocopying, faxing, filling bank cheques and deposit slips and going to the bank. You read "Accounting Attachment Report" in category "Essay examples" I was also told that I would not have any specific responsibilities but work would come up as and when needed which I would be given a briefing on how to do what at that moment. 3. 3 Qualities and skills possessed and developed The job called for speed, teamwork capabilities, versatility, fluency, flexibility and grasping concepts quickly. This I had no problem with, having gone through internship before and being a member of clubs that required teamwork. Being tossed around between jobs, and not knowing what to be doing when you get to work in the office ensured that I was always on my toes. As the job went by, I learnt to be quick but thorough, to ask questions; to be accountable- work was tossed form one person to the other. If I was capturing information, I had to be thorough so that the next person, in this case the accountant, would be able to use the information. If I gave her the wrong information, it would mess all the accounts up. I also had to learn to be responsible ? 3. 0 MANAGEMENT, TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE INFORMATION 3. 1 Job orientation A brief meeting was held on the first day of work in which an assessment of my course work and accounting knowledge was made. The information available on the transcript and curriculum vitae was used for the assessment. This same meeting was also used for the purpose of giving me a tour through the company, debriefing on company history and the services offered by the company. I also got the opportunity to familiarise with the business environment and the rest of the staff around. The next step was to test the skills I had I stated that I had. I was shown how to capture information form a receipt, change it, delete it and create a file for a company in the accounting software. After a series of examples, I was asked to do the same. I went through a series of tests in using the accounting system, which in this case was called Quick books. Having shown adequate knowledge, I was informed that I would assist in that part of the job. The main job was capturing, but some more office jobs were to be done, which I was kindly briefed on. I was to be the extra hand in the office; hence I would be tossed around everywhere, having been given a short tutorial prior to execution of a task. There were no specific responsibilities that were given to me; most of the work to be done would be broken down before being done. Having been briefed on the jobs to be done, I was shown the office space that I would use. A few minutes later I was assigned to my primary role for the week- filing, organising documents prior to capturing, checking if transactions had been captured properly and at the correct amounts and banking. In between the small jobs, I was to familiarise myself with the software and practise before I could be given any work concerning that. 3. 2 Supervisor assistance My supervisor adequately explained all duties and responsibilities before I undertook them. The first question before doing anything was an enquiry as to whether I had done any such thing. If I answered in the negative, I was shown how to do it. I would then attempt the same job under her watch until I had perfected my work In cases were computer use was required, a different document altogether would be opened for the sake of demonstration. A supervisor was always ready to help if I did not understand anything. As this is a small company, help was easy to find as my slowing down would also affect the other operations. My supervisors were quick to explain and guide through new processes especially those that involved going to NURS, going to clients and going to Company registration. I would receive office calls whenever I spent more time than usual. During the first days in the office, I would also get momentary calls just to check on progress or if everything under control 3. 3 Qualities needed and qualities gained Versatility and flexibility were needed to succeed in this position as I would be tossed into any work. This meant I would have to be a receptionist, or an accountant, or the driver so adaptation and was needed. There was much work to do in the office so I had to be quick to catch onto the job as I would often receive crash courses to do a new task. In a job where there were had no fixed duties, and work to do decided on each morning, it was critical to grasp the concept quickly. The job also called for an ability to work without supervision as there was a lot of work to be done between the three services offered by the company. There was a need to be organised and to ask questions to do with more clarification to get an understanding as soon as a task was given in order to curb backlog. The amount of work to be done was much so that made round the clock assistance rather impossible. Time keeping was also very critical. We all depended on each other as one person’s slow delivery affected everyone. There was a need to pay attention to detail when doing accounts so as to come up with the correct financial statements and prevent reworking which would waste time. Ten client companies would expected their returns to be calculated every second month so each company had specific time slots for doing their books which had to be maximised in order to prevent a rush job being done or eating into another company’s time. Fluency in English and articulation was a needed quality because there were clients to talk to, going to the Registrar of Companies and calls to be answered when the clerk/receptionist was not around. Qualities gained during the process included the ability to think on my feet, tenacity, responsibility and team working. Concerning the ability to think on my feet, jobs done outside the office required decisions to be made quickly if things did not go according to plan this needed one to exercise discretion and take control without having to call the office first. Thinking on one’s feet required the ability to reason carefully and objectively. Over time, I developed tenacity. It became apparent that not only did the job call for work to be done, but to be completed on or before time. Working after hours became normality and not burdensome and neither was it something to complain over. The key was to understand the importance of completing a task before the next day, regardless of working hours. Honesty and responsibility came with the job. Whenever personal resources were used in incurring company expenses, they had to be accounted for. This called for keeping of receipts and disclosing the corrected amounts actually spent in order to qualify for a refund. These expenses also had to be incurred wholly towards the company and not be mixed with personal expenses. Every business can only achieve its goals through teamwork. Work was passed from one person to the other as processes were interlinked. The clerk and I did most of the primary work- capturing and organising files and it had to be understood by the next user of the information. Having done my part for the day, I would not sit around as others worked but pitch in to also help in order for the task to be completed. ? 4. 0 SPECIFIC JOB INFORMATION 4. 1 Daily Responsibilities There were no specific daily responsibilities given as work arose as and when needed but there were things that became routine, for example filing, faxing and photocopying. The other jobs included capturing invoices and receipts into the accounting system, checking if receipts and invoices had been entered into the system, helping to separate receipts into different expenses and banking. Accounting Capturing accounting information from invoices was a daily task. Expenses had to be separated into cost of sales, company expenses and capital expenditures. That done, a list of all transactions entered would be printed and cross-checked with the corresponding receipts as an internal check on capturing all expenditure and at their correct amounts. Every month end, tax return forms were filled out and withholding tax charges calculated. For those companies which took the liberty to calculate their own taxes, their figures would be matched with those in the tax tables to ensure consistency. The difficult part of this was working with companies that pay employees through commission as they had a different way of calculating applicable charges. Bank reconciliation at the end of each month was a required duty. The task was to go through a monthly bank statement, reconcile the figures with those in the cheque book, adjust for unpresented cheques, account for stop orders and total the bank interest charges for the month. After that the money drawn out for personal use would be calculated for drawings. Filing The first thing upon receipt of files from a client was to sort them out in chronological order. This made it easier to account for the dates on transactions as the date would not be changed with each receipt, it also made it easier to find a missing receipt or to look fo r a query on the receipt if they were in order. The filing work included the tax returns that would come from NURS, documents from the clients in the form of bills, contracts and agreements made between the client and the firm. For withholding taxes, each company had a separate filing place for rental withholding taxes and employee withholding taxes. Printing, copying and faxing Accounting involves a lot of printing, faxing and photocopying. The responsibility assigned was to do exactly that. It was of utmost importance to make sure that the company had one file while the client also had another copy. Banking This involved drawing up cheques for clients, having been given the due amounts, fill in cheque deposit slips whenever a client made a payment via cheque, signing and accounting for the cheque in the company books before going to the bank to deposit it. This also involved cashing some cheques and depositing them in the respective employee accounts at the end of the month for salaries. 4. 2 Other responsibilities Messenger Jobs that were done outside the office included fetching files with client’s receipts and invoices for the month and returning them, submitting and collecting returns forms to NURS, getting clients to stamp taxes due forms. Being a messenger also involved following up on company or business name reservations with the Registrar of Companies. The other tasks at the Registrar of Companies were submission of forms for the change of directors and the transfer of ownership of a firm. All paperwork generated from this would be copied and sent to the concerned client Office jobs Part of the office odd jobs was answering the phone when the person responsible was not available. This would involve taking messages and answering for where the required person was, putting through phone calls and answering whatever questions a client had about the business. When clients arrived before their appointed time had to be attended and entertained until their attendant returned. This was achieved by preparing refreshments and chatting up the client, sitting them comfortably and continuous reassurance that the required person would be with them. Ensuring office security involved locking up doors and cabinets, closing windows, switching off the air conditioners by the last person to leave the office. 4. 3 Knowledge from course work Three years of in the University of Botswana has come with grasping many skills and concepts. Some proved necessary, other premature and some skills use stood out more than others. Knowledge from Accounting Information Systems learnt in BIS309 was the most used and hence the most helpful. It offered a foundation to be able to use any accounting software. BIS309 also helped because it dealt with the daily running of business and how to enter daily transactions into the books of accounts, the separation of bills and invoices and how to create a debit or credit note. BIS309 also included how to account for a refund, how to add an account into the list of accounts. Most accounting now is done by software so the ability to use software and the knowledge of the way around the software was an added advantage Knowledge of basic accounting and bank reconciliations was taught in Financial Accounting I (ACC100) and it offered know how on entering costs into books of accounts and drawing up bank reconciliations and treating unpresented cheques. Some clients, being new, lacked adequate accounting information. This amounted to missing receipts and invoices, misnumbered invoices, missing bank cheques or narrations to the cheques. In order to deal with this one had to work backwards from the bank statement to find missing figures and asking for rough estimates for jobs done. Incomplete Records aught in Financial Accounting II (Acc200) was a useful resource. For the purpose of separation of business costs into cost of sales and expenses Introduction to Cost Accounting (ACC201) was very useful. Some business incurred expenses that had to be charged to their cost of sales, not costs of running the business, for example the cost of delivery, the cost of assembly, etc. One company was a delivery company and conducted trade by going to South Africa and taking goods for delivery into Namibia, the cost of the job did not only include fuel to travel to South Africa but it included the driver’s accommodation and food and the cost of toll gates. Dealing with these expenses was leant in Managaemnt accounting applications ACC303. Final accounts are drawn at the end of each month and they have to be drawn up according to the formats in the accounting standards. Knowledge of accounting standards and presentation formats was acquired in Auditing I (ACC301) and Financial Accounting II (ACC 300. ) Upon the calculation of taxes for individual employees, calculating the gross taxes, doing a bank reconciliation, comparison of figures, checking if all receipts had been entered Microsoft excel was used. BIS 205 dealt with the primary use of computers and plugging in formulae. General Education Courses dealt with the use of computers and communication. Businesses require a lot of communication and etiquette. Gec 121,introduction to Computers was useful for the purpose of using email, Introduction to Communication (GEC111 and 112) helped in articulation and Introduction to Rhetoric and Public Speaking (GEC 364) helped in building confidence and addressing people. For the sake of company registration, the difference between a company and a business grasped in Introduction to Company Law (LAW351) was a critical tool in knowing the difference, lest the two be wrongly interchanged. This difference was also critical whenever capturing expenses, keeping in mind that sole traders were not separated from the business and withdrawals made were charged as drawings. 4. 4 Beneficial things to have learnt It would have been very helpful to have gone through an introductory lesson in tax so as to understand the format, the applicable tax figures had and to fill in a tax from with understanding. Most of the workings in tax were done out of memory, having been briefed on before but with no adequate understanding as to why they were done that way for example amounts exempt from tax and the calculations of allowable deductions. Cash flow Statements are part of the final accounts drawn up at the end of the month. This was also something learnt on the job but without full comprehension of what exactly to be done and what to be done. 4. 5 new skills acquired The reservation of a company name and creation of a shelf company is one of the stand out skills I acquired on the job. A lot of companies open new branches, since Botswana is a developing country and there is positive economic growth, many businesses and companies are being opened as a result and know how in reserving a name and registering a business has become a crucial tool that one may use as an agent. In learning how to reserve company names and creating shelf companies, it was inevitable that I had to learn how to change directors of a company. Some companies do not immediately operate upon been granted approval or even fail to start, these companies can then be taken over by other persons. Forms for changes in directors of a company are retrieved from the Registrar of Companies’ website. The website hosts many forms that can just be downloaded and printed without necessarily collecting them from their offices. I learnt how to collect a tax return form. These forms are collects directly from NURS. A tax return form has to types, one being for VAT and the other being income tax. The person collecting the tax returns forms has to have knowledge of their Tax Identity Number. Other small skills acquired include:- †¢Calculation of PAYE. Pay as You Earn tax is calculated using the tax tables. Each income has a specific tax matched to it and those that go beyond the normal amount have a specific extra amount to apply. †¢How to register a company for tax. The form is collected from NURS and it contains various areas to be filled out including the type of business, the name of the business. The bank needs to also certify that an account by that person exists. †¢How to fax and photocopy. This was part of daily office work. No knowledge of such skills had been possessed before. †¢How to use Quickbooks. This was the accounting software used by the company. Knowledge of Pastel Accounting and the use of Microsoft in Accounting were the only prior knowledge. Most companies use Quickbooks so this is a relevant skill upon job search at the completion of the degree. †¢How to use office stationery properly. There is some stationery designed for office use that we fail to use properly. Documents need to be filed neatly and in an orderly manner. That said, learnt how to align a paper before punching, refill staples and to use the various types of files. ? 5. 0 Conclusions and recommendation 5. 1 Career goals versus industrial attachment The Industrial attachment surely did bring some perspective. The daily work in accounting is significantly different from the theory learnt in school. Day to day accounts is routine and very simple. Within a short period of time, one begins to know the routine of recording and creating financial statements at the end of the year. That said, I realise now that accounting needs to be supplemented with other courses, for example ACCA, CFA, CIMA, etc. These professional courses give one the ability to review policies placed by the business in their accounting. They also help one to become more marketable in the industry and prevent the boredom inherent in most office jobs with routine tasks. Looking at the clientele of the business, there is a dire need for accountants and for people to learn to be ‘accounts smart’. Most companies do not even have a clerk and most small businesses do not have an accounts department as the owner does everything and the results nd up being very poor. I have also come to realise that the lack of consultancy and knowledge of cost versus revenue makes some businesses fail or not realise their full potential as much is taken from the business without replacement via drawings. That said, may career goals really have changed and I would not want to end up sitting in the offi ce, day by day, drawing accounts for people, but instead to give advice on running a business and creating strategies that work. I would like to move into explaining accounts to business owners and creating strategies for the purpose of cost reduction and ensuring longevity in a business. Clients constantly complain about the return on their taxes, some do not even know what it means or how it is calculated and are always disgruntled when they see an accountant coming through. Clients therefore need tutorials in the accounting field so that they just do not accept anything or begin to distrust their accountants. 5. 2 derivations from the attachment Two stand out lessons were derived from internship, the first being that university education alone does not fully equip one for the work environment; one needs a bit of experience. The second lesson being, there is a lot of ignorance concerning accounting in Namibia, to the point of business owners doing their own book-keeping. This comes from a lack of appreciation of the role of accounting in business. Concerning the equipping by the University, there is not enough room for doing accounting practically. There are too many courses from other faculties that students are encouraged to take up in their first year, which leaves little room for proper accounting courses in the degree. The result is that most accounting is taught in a rush manner without adequate understanding and the result is that students cram without grasping concepts fully. This became apparent on the calculation of a business’ daily expenses. In the examples given us in school, the figures are already summed up and apparent, most of the work involves drawing final accounts, but in businesses, final accounts are drawn up only once a month. The recording of a business’ daily expenses is critical and needs to be given attention in the foundation courses of the degree. Concerning ignorance of accounting , most businesses have no accountant and do not keep the relevant information used in drawing up accounts. The use of interns is also a wide spread normality among those who wish to have some form of book-keeping in their business. However, interns are fresh from university and often make mistakes. This results in backlogs during work as some of the books have to be redone. 5. 3 most significant learning experience The most significant learning process was that on the importance of teamwork. Business processes are intertwined that each person relied the other person. Slacking was therefore intolerable as it affected everyone else’s progress. That said, I learnt to rely on other people, and to become a person to be relied upon. I also learnt to value the contribution of other people and the vitality of making a significant contribution in a team. 5. 4 self-evaluation The key strengths I possessed for this job were adaptation and quick-learning. I understood whatever work was assigned to me in a very short space of time. There was a lot of tossing around involved in the job as I had no specific responsibilities, this meant I had to be versatile and ready for anything. The ability to think quickly and summon best judgement in a rash situation was very useful when running errands and things would not go according to plan or clients were late. This required changing things or rearranging with a client on my own without calling the office first. The ability to work without supervision and being self-motivated was an added advantage. Because of the lack of space, I shared the office with the other company branch of Dotaka Investments called Coverage Insurance. This meant I had no round the clock supervision in my work. I however managed to complete all my work before time or on time. Being reliable is another quality I possess that the executive director would allow me to run errands for her with her car while she would be in the office. She relied on me to represent her well wherever she sent me on her behalf. Dress was no problem for me as I made sure I was clad formally and presentable each day. Articulation and fluency in English was an added quality as well that enabled me to win over clients and explain to them adequately what we required of them. im formal. time keeping My time keeping in the morning was not the most efficient. Most of the time i was not punctual to work and i would arrive a little bit after time. I however compensated for this shortfall by personally working during lunch or working late. 5. 5 recomendations for improvement in the organisation Great Advisory Services needs bigger office space. During this period of attachment, there were five employees sharing two rooms. This meant that the main office had three employees which is too large a number for a small space. The room became crowded to the point that clients would notice and either mention in a joking manner or just showed unpleasantness. The company vision has to be printed and stuck on the wall and be used in company stamps. I only knew the vision when I had. A company vision helps in boosting employee morale by showing them that whatever they are doing is contributing to the achievement of the vision. Grievances in the company need to be addressed. There were matters that were swept under the carpet even though they were important. There were times were there would be some tension in the office or gossip over another person over things that were not properly stipulated yet could be solved with a sit down meeting. There needs to be an investment towards the training of employees. An accounts consultant was employed by the firm for enquiries’ sake. However, his availability was after hours which could go on till midnight this was not an efficient way of working. The problem can be overcome by putting one of the accountants through an ACCA program. Also the clerks’ work was not up to standard as most of it had to be redone. Employee training should also be in answering calls, using appropriate register as there was a tendency for employees to use an incorrect tone or a colloquial term in a formal set-up. How to cite Accounting Attachment Report, Essay examples Accounting Attachment Report Free Essays string(50) " cheques and deposit slips and going to the bank\." 1. 0 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 The objectives of the Industrial attachment The purpose of industrial attachment is to bridge the gap between the theory and the practise of coursework learnt in the University of Botswana. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Attachment Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is meant to give students a clearer perspective of concepts learnt in the academic environment and in turn prepare them for the work environment upon completion of the degree programme. Internship is also aimed at give students a chance to apply the material learnt into a practical environment and get to know the work industry. In applying academic material, it is understood more and in familiarising with the work environment, a career option can be chosen. Part of the attachment was for students to create networks. networks are useful in securing jobs and getting information about the industry. 1. 2 Methodology The industrial attachment was conducted over the period between May 10th and July 27th 2012. This period amounted to a total of 10 weeks over the school holidays. It was after the third year of study in the degree. Each student, with the help of the internship coordinator had to find a company of their choice in the relevant field of study to work in. A place was to be secured through an application letter accompanied by a copy of a transcript, a letter of acknowledgement of student status from the University. A letter of acceptance would then be sent to the university by the company that agreed to attach a student and the area in which the student will work. Students were expected to work in various sectors of the company, but within their course of study while under attachment. The students were also to keep weekly log sheets which were to be signed by the supervisor with the work they had conducted. ? 2. 0 BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANISATION . 1 History of Great Advisory Services Dotaka Investments (Pty) Ltd was incorporated in Namibia in the year 2005. It has two businesses operating, an insurance brokerage called Coverage Insurance and an accounting business called Great Advisory Services. The company has two directors namely Alex Mundey and Gracia Hunde. Mr Mundey is a non-executive director while Miss Hunde is an executive direc tor. The insurance brokerage was the first business to be registered by the company in 2005 and has since grown to be one of the most renowned insurance broking firms in Namibia. The business headquarters are situated in the Windhoek International Finance Park while another branch operates in the Caesar International Office Park. This is because all insurance companies are found in the Caesar Office Park, making it convenient to get quotes upon request or to make an inquiry quicker. Having become a success and seeing the need for better accounting practise for the smaller businesses, the company diversified into the accounting field and registered a business named Great Advisory Services. The role of Great Advisory Services is to assist entrepreneurs to sustain their businesses by upholding proper and consistent accounting ethos. Great Advisory Services was registered in September 2011 and has been in operation since then. Not only does the business deal with accounting but it also in company secretarial and consultancy. It registers companies, sits as a director on the board and act as agents on submitting applications for permits. The staff includes Gracia Hunde, Elaine Chatonga and Palesa Mosa. Gracia Hunde is the executive director having gained all her knowledge from experience and is currently pursuing a degree in the University of South Africa. She mainly deals in company secretarial and business consultancy. Elaine Chatonga is the head accountant, having graduated with an Honourary degree in accounting and is pursuing chartered accountancy. She draws up the financial statements and calculates the tax returns due for all the clients and for the business as well. As head accountant, it is also her duty to supervise the work of the cler and make necessary changes. Palesa Mosa is the accounting clerk, having acquired an AAT qualification. As a clerk she does the day to day recording of accounts for the business and for the clients. She is also in charge of the petty cash book, answering calls, submitting tax returns and miscellaneous work. MISSION The mission of Geat Advisory Services is to provide accounting services to small, medium and large enterprises. In providing accounting services, the aim is to also influence the practise of proper accounting ethos and to improve the running and quality of business in the country. This is will be accomplished by building a relationship with the clients and explaining accounting procedures to them. By building relationships with clients and keeping a small number of clients, the company is able to focus on each client and not do a rush job. By targeting smaller businesses, the company is also able to probe into the finer details. Clientele These consist mainly of small businesses with very few employees as these are the main target of the business. Most of the clients are in the motoring industry and have just been contracted; hence there is not much history that has been built. The range of clients runs from auto mechanics to caterers, and interior designers. Clients are drawn in through word of mouth and through networking, as the company barely advertises itself. The biggest client of the firm is its own spear header- Coverage Insurance Brokers. Most of the clients are for accounting services as opposed to the other branches of the business. The business started with a small clientele base of 4, and has since increased to over 10 contracted clients in the accounting branch. 3. 0 MANAGEMENT, TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE INFORMATION 3. 2 Supervisor assistance I was also debriefed on other office duties that I would be taught which would have nothing to do with schoolwork but were skills needed in the office for example, filing, photocopying, faxing, filling bank cheques and deposit slips and going to the bank. You read "Accounting Attachment Report" in category "Papers" I was also told that I would not have any specific responsibilities but work would come up as and when needed which I would be given a briefing on how to do what at that moment. 3. 3 Qualities and skills possessed and developed The job called for speed, teamwork capabilities, versatility, fluency, flexibility and grasping concepts quickly. This I had no problem with, having gone through internship before and being a member of clubs that required teamwork. Being tossed around between jobs, and not knowing what to be doing when you get to work in the office ensured that I was always on my toes. As the job went by, I learnt to be quick but thorough, to ask questions; to be accountable- work was tossed form one person to the other. If I was capturing information, I had to be thorough so that the next person, in this case the accountant, would be able to use the information. If I gave her the wrong information, it would mess all the accounts up. I also had to learn to be responsible ? 3. 0 MANAGEMENT, TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE INFORMATION 3. 1 Job orientation A brief meeting was held on the first day of work in which an assessment of my course work and accounting knowledge was made. The information available on the transcript and curriculum vitae was used for the assessment. This same meeting was also used for the purpose of giving me a tour through the company, debriefing on company history and the services offered by the company. I also got the opportunity to familiarise with the business environment and the rest of the staff around. The next step was to test the skills I had I stated that I had. I was shown how to capture information form a receipt, change it, delete it and create a file for a company in the accounting software. After a series of examples, I was asked to do the same. I went through a series of tests in using the accounting system, which in this case was called Quick books. Having shown adequate knowledge, I was informed that I would assist in that part of the job. The main job was capturing, but some more office jobs were to be done, which I was kindly briefed on. I was to be the extra hand in the office; hence I would be tossed around everywhere, having been given a short tutorial prior to execution of a task. There were no specific responsibilities that were given to me; most of the work to be done would be broken down before being done. Having been briefed on the jobs to be done, I was shown the office space that I would use. A few minutes later I was assigned to my primary role for the week- filing, organising documents prior to capturing, checking if transactions had been captured properly and at the correct amounts and banking. In between the small jobs, I was to familiarise myself with the software and practise before I could be given any work concerning that. 3. 2 Supervisor assistance My supervisor adequately explained all duties and responsibilities before I undertook them. The first question before doing anything was an enquiry as to whether I had done any such thing. If I answered in the negative, I was shown how to do it. I would then attempt the same job under her watch until I had perfected my work In cases were computer use was required, a different document altogether would be opened for the sake of demonstration. A supervisor was always ready to help if I did not understand anything. As this is a small company, help was easy to find as my slowing down would also affect the other operations. My supervisors were quick to explain and guide through new processes especially those that involved going to NURS, going to clients and going to Company registration. I would receive office calls whenever I spent more time than usual. During the first days in the office, I would also get momentary calls just to check on progress or if everything under control 3. 3 Qualities needed and qualities gained Versatility and flexibility were needed to succeed in this position as I would be tossed into any work. This meant I would have to be a receptionist, or an accountant, or the driver so adaptation and was needed. There was much work to do in the office so I had to be quick to catch onto the job as I would often receive crash courses to do a new task. In a job where there were had no fixed duties, and work to do decided on each morning, it was critical to grasp the concept quickly. The job also called for an ability to work without supervision as there was a lot of work to be done between the three services offered by the company. There was a need to be organised and to ask questions to do with more clarification to get an understanding as soon as a task was given in order to curb backlog. The amount of work to be done was much so that made round the clock assistance rather impossible. Time keeping was also very critical. We all depended on each other as one person’s slow delivery affected everyone. There was a need to pay attention to detail when doing accounts so as to come up with the correct financial statements and prevent reworking which would waste time. Ten client companies would expected their returns to be calculated every second month so each company had specific time slots for doing their books which had to be maximised in order to prevent a rush job being done or eating into another company’s time. Fluency in English and articulation was a needed quality because there were clients to talk to, going to the Registrar of Companies and calls to be answered when the clerk/receptionist was not around. Qualities gained during the process included the ability to think on my feet, tenacity, responsibility and team working. Concerning the ability to think on my feet, jobs done outside the office required decisions to be made quickly if things did not go according to plan this needed one to exercise discretion and take control without having to call the office first. Thinking on one’s feet required the ability to reason carefully and objectively. Over time, I developed tenacity. It became apparent that not only did the job call for work to be done, but to be completed on or before time. Working after hours became normality and not burdensome and neither was it something to complain over. The key was to understand the importance of completing a task before the next day, regardless of working hours. Honesty and responsibility came with the job. Whenever personal resources were used in incurring company expenses, they had to be accounted for. This called for keeping of receipts and disclosing the corrected amounts actually spent in order to qualify for a refund. These expenses also had to be incurred wholly towards the company and not be mixed with personal expenses. Every business can only achieve its goals through teamwork. Work was passed from one person to the other as processes were interlinked. The clerk and I did most of the primary work- capturing and organising files and it had to be understood by the next user of the information. Having done my part for the day, I would not sit around as others worked but pitch in to also help in order for the task to be completed. ? 4. 0 SPECIFIC JOB INFORMATION 4. 1 Daily Responsibilities There were no specific daily responsibilities given as work arose as and when needed but there were things that became routine, for example filing, faxing and photocopying. The other jobs included capturing invoices and receipts into the accounting system, checking if receipts and invoices had been entered into the system, helping to separate receipts into different expenses and banking. Accounting Capturing accounting information from invoices was a daily task. Expenses had to be separated into cost of sales, company expenses and capital expenditures. That done, a list of all transactions entered would be printed and cross-checked with the corresponding receipts as an internal check on capturing all expenditure and at their correct amounts. Every month end, tax return forms were filled out and withholding tax charges calculated. For those companies which took the liberty to calculate their own taxes, their figures would be matched with those in the tax tables to ensure consistency. The difficult part of this was working with companies that pay employees through commission as they had a different way of calculating applicable charges. Bank reconciliation at the end of each month was a required duty. The task was to go through a monthly bank statement, reconcile the figures with those in the cheque book, adjust for unpresented cheques, account for stop orders and total the bank interest charges for the month. After that the money drawn out for personal use would be calculated for drawings. Filing The first thing upon receipt of files from a client was to sort them out in chronological order. This made it easier to account for the dates on transactions as the date would not be changed with each receipt, it also made it easier to find a missing receipt or to look fo r a query on the receipt if they were in order. The filing work included the tax returns that would come from NURS, documents from the clients in the form of bills, contracts and agreements made between the client and the firm. For withholding taxes, each company had a separate filing place for rental withholding taxes and employee withholding taxes. Printing, copying and faxing Accounting involves a lot of printing, faxing and photocopying. The responsibility assigned was to do exactly that. It was of utmost importance to make sure that the company had one file while the client also had another copy. Banking This involved drawing up cheques for clients, having been given the due amounts, fill in cheque deposit slips whenever a client made a payment via cheque, signing and accounting for the cheque in the company books before going to the bank to deposit it. This also involved cashing some cheques and depositing them in the respective employee accounts at the end of the month for salaries. 4. 2 Other responsibilities Messenger Jobs that were done outside the office included fetching files with client’s receipts and invoices for the month and returning them, submitting and collecting returns forms to NURS, getting clients to stamp taxes due forms. Being a messenger also involved following up on company or business name reservations with the Registrar of Companies. The other tasks at the Registrar of Companies were submission of forms for the change of directors and the transfer of ownership of a firm. All paperwork generated from this would be copied and sent to the concerned client Office jobs Part of the office odd jobs was answering the phone when the person responsible was not available. This would involve taking messages and answering for where the required person was, putting through phone calls and answering whatever questions a client had about the business. When clients arrived before their appointed time had to be attended and entertained until their attendant returned. This was achieved by preparing refreshments and chatting up the client, sitting them comfortably and continuous reassurance that the required person would be with them. Ensuring office security involved locking up doors and cabinets, closing windows, switching off the air conditioners by the last person to leave the office. 4. 3 Knowledge from course work Three years of in the University of Botswana has come with grasping many skills and concepts. Some proved necessary, other premature and some skills use stood out more than others. Knowledge from Accounting Information Systems learnt in BIS309 was the most used and hence the most helpful. It offered a foundation to be able to use any accounting software. BIS309 also helped because it dealt with the daily running of business and how to enter daily transactions into the books of accounts, the separation of bills and invoices and how to create a debit or credit note. BIS309 also included how to account for a refund, how to add an account into the list of accounts. Most accounting now is done by software so the ability to use software and the knowledge of the way around the software was an added advantage Knowledge of basic accounting and bank reconciliations was taught in Financial Accounting I (ACC100) and it offered know how on entering costs into books of accounts and drawing up bank reconciliations and treating unpresented cheques. Some clients, being new, lacked adequate accounting information. This amounted to missing receipts and invoices, misnumbered invoices, missing bank cheques or narrations to the cheques. In order to deal with this one had to work backwards from the bank statement to find missing figures and asking for rough estimates for jobs done. Incomplete Records aught in Financial Accounting II (Acc200) was a useful resource. For the purpose of separation of business costs into cost of sales and expenses Introduction to Cost Accounting (ACC201) was very useful. Some business incurred expenses that had to be charged to their cost of sales, not costs of running the business, for example the cost of delivery, the cost of assembly, etc. One company was a delivery company and conducted trade by going to South Africa and taking goods for delivery into Namibia, the cost of the job did not only include fuel to travel to South Africa but it included the driver’s accommodation and food and the cost of toll gates. Dealing with these expenses was leant in Managaemnt accounting applications ACC303. Final accounts are drawn at the end of each month and they have to be drawn up according to the formats in the accounting standards. Knowledge of accounting standards and presentation formats was acquired in Auditing I (ACC301) and Financial Accounting II (ACC 300. ) Upon the calculation of taxes for individual employees, calculating the gross taxes, doing a bank reconciliation, comparison of figures, checking if all receipts had been entered Microsoft excel was used. BIS 205 dealt with the primary use of computers and plugging in formulae. General Education Courses dealt with the use of computers and communication. Businesses require a lot of communication and etiquette. Gec 121,introduction to Computers was useful for the purpose of using email, Introduction to Communication (GEC111 and 112) helped in articulation and Introduction to Rhetoric and Public Speaking (GEC 364) helped in building confidence and addressing people. For the sake of company registration, the difference between a company and a business grasped in Introduction to Company Law (LAW351) was a critical tool in knowing the difference, lest the two be wrongly interchanged. This difference was also critical whenever capturing expenses, keeping in mind that sole traders were not separated from the business and withdrawals made were charged as drawings. 4. 4 Beneficial things to have learnt It would have been very helpful to have gone through an introductory lesson in tax so as to understand the format, the applicable tax figures had and to fill in a tax from with understanding. Most of the workings in tax were done out of memory, having been briefed on before but with no adequate understanding as to why they were done that way for example amounts exempt from tax and the calculations of allowable deductions. Cash flow Statements are part of the final accounts drawn up at the end of the month. This was also something learnt on the job but without full comprehension of what exactly to be done and what to be done. 4. 5 new skills acquired The reservation of a company name and creation of a shelf company is one of the stand out skills I acquired on the job. A lot of companies open new branches, since Botswana is a developing country and there is positive economic growth, many businesses and companies are being opened as a result and know how in reserving a name and registering a business has become a crucial tool that one may use as an agent. In learning how to reserve company names and creating shelf companies, it was inevitable that I had to learn how to change directors of a company. Some companies do not immediately operate upon been granted approval or even fail to start, these companies can then be taken over by other persons. Forms for changes in directors of a company are retrieved from the Registrar of Companies’ website. The website hosts many forms that can just be downloaded and printed without necessarily collecting them from their offices. I learnt how to collect a tax return form. These forms are collects directly from NURS. A tax return form has to types, one being for VAT and the other being income tax. The person collecting the tax returns forms has to have knowledge of their Tax Identity Number. Other small skills acquired include:- †¢Calculation of PAYE. Pay as You Earn tax is calculated using the tax tables. Each income has a specific tax matched to it and those that go beyond the normal amount have a specific extra amount to apply. †¢How to register a company for tax. The form is collected from NURS and it contains various areas to be filled out including the type of business, the name of the business. The bank needs to also certify that an account by that person exists. †¢How to fax and photocopy. This was part of daily office work. No knowledge of such skills had been possessed before. †¢How to use Quickbooks. This was the accounting software used by the company. Knowledge of Pastel Accounting and the use of Microsoft in Accounting were the only prior knowledge. Most companies use Quickbooks so this is a relevant skill upon job search at the completion of the degree. †¢How to use office stationery properly. There is some stationery designed for office use that we fail to use properly. Documents need to be filed neatly and in an orderly manner. That said, learnt how to align a paper before punching, refill staples and to use the various types of files. ? 5. 0 Conclusions and recommendation 5. 1 Career goals versus industrial attachment The Industrial attachment surely did bring some perspective. The daily work in accounting is significantly different from the theory learnt in school. Day to day accounts is routine and very simple. Within a short period of time, one begins to know the routine of recording and creating financial statements at the end of the year. That said, I realise now that accounting needs to be supplemented with other courses, for example ACCA, CFA, CIMA, etc. These professional courses give one the ability to review policies placed by the business in their accounting. They also help one to become more marketable in the industry and prevent the boredom inherent in most office jobs with routine tasks. Looking at the clientele of the business, there is a dire need for accountants and for people to learn to be ‘accounts smart’. Most companies do not even have a clerk and most small businesses do not have an accounts department as the owner does everything and the results nd up being very poor. I have also come to realise that the lack of consultancy and knowledge of cost versus revenue makes some businesses fail or not realise their full potential as much is taken from the business without replacement via drawings. That said, may career goals really have changed and I would not want to end up sitting in the offi ce, day by day, drawing accounts for people, but instead to give advice on running a business and creating strategies that work. I would like to move into explaining accounts to business owners and creating strategies for the purpose of cost reduction and ensuring longevity in a business. Clients constantly complain about the return on their taxes, some do not even know what it means or how it is calculated and are always disgruntled when they see an accountant coming through. Clients therefore need tutorials in the accounting field so that they just do not accept anything or begin to distrust their accountants. 5. 2 derivations from the attachment Two stand out lessons were derived from internship, the first being that university education alone does not fully equip one for the work environment; one needs a bit of experience. The second lesson being, there is a lot of ignorance concerning accounting in Namibia, to the point of business owners doing their own book-keeping. This comes from a lack of appreciation of the role of accounting in business. Concerning the equipping by the University, there is not enough room for doing accounting practically. There are too many courses from other faculties that students are encouraged to take up in their first year, which leaves little room for proper accounting courses in the degree. The result is that most accounting is taught in a rush manner without adequate understanding and the result is that students cram without grasping concepts fully. This became apparent on the calculation of a business’ daily expenses. In the examples given us in school, the figures are already summed up and apparent, most of the work involves drawing final accounts, but in businesses, final accounts are drawn up only once a month. The recording of a business’ daily expenses is critical and needs to be given attention in the foundation courses of the degree. Concerning ignorance of accounting , most businesses have no accountant and do not keep the relevant information used in drawing up accounts. The use of interns is also a wide spread normality among those who wish to have some form of book-keeping in their business. However, interns are fresh from university and often make mistakes. This results in backlogs during work as some of the books have to be redone. 5. 3 most significant learning experience The most significant learning process was that on the importance of teamwork. Business processes are intertwined that each person relied the other person. Slacking was therefore intolerable as it affected everyone else’s progress. That said, I learnt to rely on other people, and to become a person to be relied upon. I also learnt to value the contribution of other people and the vitality of making a significant contribution in a team. 5. 4 self-evaluation The key strengths I possessed for this job were adaptation and quick-learning. I understood whatever work was assigned to me in a very short space of time. There was a lot of tossing around involved in the job as I had no specific responsibilities, this meant I had to be versatile and ready for anything. The ability to think quickly and summon best judgement in a rash situation was very useful when running errands and things would not go according to plan or clients were late. This required changing things or rearranging with a client on my own without calling the office first. The ability to work without supervision and being self-motivated was an added advantage. Because of the lack of space, I shared the office with the other company branch of Dotaka Investments called Coverage Insurance. This meant I had no round the clock supervision in my work. I however managed to complete all my work before time or on time. Being reliable is another quality I possess that the executive director would allow me to run errands for her with her car while she would be in the office. She relied on me to represent her well wherever she sent me on her behalf. Dress was no problem for me as I made sure I was clad formally and presentable each day. Articulation and fluency in English was an added quality as well that enabled me to win over clients and explain to them adequately what we required of them. im formal. time keeping My time keeping in the morning was not the most efficient. Most of the time i was not punctual to work and i would arrive a little bit after time. I however compensated for this shortfall by personally working during lunch or working late. 5. 5 recomendations for improvement in the organisation Great Advisory Services needs bigger office space. During this period of attachment, there were five employees sharing two rooms. This meant that the main office had three employees which is too large a number for a small space. The room became crowded to the point that clients would notice and either mention in a joking manner or just showed unpleasantness. The company vision has to be printed and stuck on the wall and be used in company stamps. I only knew the vision when I had. A company vision helps in boosting employee morale by showing them that whatever they are doing is contributing to the achievement of the vision. Grievances in the company need to be addressed. There were matters that were swept under the carpet even though they were important. There were times were there would be some tension in the office or gossip over another person over things that were not properly stipulated yet could be solved with a sit down meeting. There needs to be an investment towards the training of employees. An accounts consultant was employed by the firm for enquiries’ sake. However, his availability was after hours which could go on till midnight this was not an efficient way of working. The problem can be overcome by putting one of the accountants through an ACCA program. Also the clerks’ work was not up to standard as most of it had to be redone. Employee training should also be in answering calls, using appropriate register as there was a tendency for employees to use an incorrect tone or a colloquial term in a formal set-up. How to cite Accounting Attachment Report, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Losing With Passion free essay sample

Ever since fourth grade, I dreamed of being the starting quarterback for the high school football team. I painted a vivid picture in my mind; small town hero, homecoming victory parades, being carried off the field after a game-winning touchdown pass. The Friday night atmosphere would be electric in Naples, Maine as the community showed their support through every game. Our town would erupt with pride as we held the State Championship trophy high, showcasing the strength and skills of the Lake Region football team. For the next eight years I chased that dream. I attended every weight room session, dedicated my summers to practices in the sweltering heat, and studied thoroughly the tactical and technical aspects of football. Finally, senior year arrived and my dream became a reality. I won the hard-fought slot of starting quarterback, and in recognition of my hard work and demonstrated leadership abilities, my coaches named me a team captain. We will write a custom essay sample on Losing With Passion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was filled with pride to have the opportunity to carry out my dream of leading a team of highly motivated players to victory. However, the complete opposite happened. We lost every single game, and struggled to put points on the scoreboard. I watched the morale of the team plummet with constant fighting between teammates. On many days, less than half of the team would show up for practice. I began to grow weary that my teammates had lost sight of their love for the game and that the community had lost faith in our team. Then something very valuable happened that I will carry with me to college and the rest of my life. I learned that leadership is most important during tough times. From then on, I worked closely with the coaches and my teammates to solve problems and bring back team cooperation. I implemented creative approaches to reignite my teammates’ passion for football and to unite us as one. I stressed that being a champion is not just winning games, but it is keeping your head held high in tough situations. Although all of my approaches didn’t work, I remember walking off the field after the last game I looked up at the scoreboard, 14-41, another big defeat. However, when I looked at my fellow teammates and coaches, I sensed a spirit of victory. We managed to finish a losing season with our pride in tact and our love for the game as strong as ever. While I never fulfilled the dream I had since fourth grade, I truly believe that my year was far more valuable. The lessons I learned from football and other activities will bring a unique perspective to your institution. I am confident that the leadership skills I attained throughout high school have made me a better person and will allow me to make important contributions to your student body. In particular, my problem solving and communication skills will allow me to work effectively in a group and bring cohesion to any academic program. While I am planning to immerse myself in the new and diverse academic environment of college, I will never forget where I came from. In my heart I will always be the small town fourth grader with a goal, forever pursuing what I love and chasing my dreams.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Racist Symbols essays

Racist Symbols essays White Power! screamed the intimidating group as they rode by on horses covered with white sheets waving the Confederate Flag. The horsemens identities were concealed too by white robes and white masks. A bystander then revealed this mysterious group was known as the Ku Klux Klan or the KKK. The fear in his eyes was obvious. Not a single soul knew what intentions the group had, but yet no one questioned it either. The Ku Klux Klan began as a prankish social organization that originated in the southern states during the period of Reconstruction. The activities at first were directed against Republican governments and their leaders, but it soon lead to the idea of white supremacy. The members dressed in white robes and white masks to make people fear them and to conceal their identity. Klansmen sometimes carried the Confederate flag which to some is a loved symbol of the south, but to the KKK it represented hate and racism. In the picture, Klansmen marched in Texas to preach white supremacy. Both the Union flag and the Confederate flag are visible in the picture. Some KKK groups carried the Union flag upside down because they felt that they had been betrayed by the government. By waving the flag upside down it was like a protest. The Confederate flag is a symbol that represented hate and racism. Most groups began to use this symbol based on the idea that it represented the southern states which fought to preserve slavery. It is important to remember that the KKK fought for white supremacy and believed every other race, especially African-Americans, were useless. Because of their widespread hate and racism among all cultures, it is interesting to see that in the picture there are no masks covering the Klansmens faces to protect their identities. I believe this image shows how much effort the KKK did to promote white supremacy. There were marches all over the United States ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Innovation (Apple Ipod) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Innovation (Apple Ipod) - Essay Example (Albury, 2005) From the singers to the composers, from the lyricists to the manufacturers of the devices which are used for playing music – they all are the key players in the music industry. The player that has been chosen for this report is the manufacturer of the music playing device. Apple introduced the revolutionary portable media player, called iPod on 23rd October 2001. (Breen, 2003) And this has been a major contribution to the world of innovation, since it radically altered the way music was being listened to. Innovation is to produce something new, whether it is an idea, a method or a device. Innovation opens the horizon for new dimensions to be explored and also fulfill some market niche which was unexplored and touched upon before the innovation. (Tushman, 2004) Moreover, the definition of innovation does not end there. Its scope is pretty vast. Innovation is not just about introducing a new thing; it is also about improving something old by adding an element of freshness and newness to it. Innovation is all about creativity. (Tidd, 2006) Innovation can happen in any field but mostly it is important in the field of business because that is where competition is intense and companies are fighting to gain the attention of the firm and they need to get a competitive edge somehow to come to notice. Innovation gives them that. Innovation requires creativity, and for a product to be successful ultimately, we need to make sure that it is functioning properly and is fitting the purpose for which it was created. (Tumi, 2002) Therefore, doing trial and error and continuously experimenting with your imagination is the preparation for an innovative product. For this purpose, companies open Research and Development Departments where they can experiment all they want to before finally giving a product to the end user.   Innovation is a concept which has been studied by managers and analysts time and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Biology research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Biology - Research Paper Example For instance, Bellard, McCarthy and Meekins studied on genetic variation as well as biogeography of Alliaria petiolata in North America in 1st January 2001. According to their findings, Alliaria petiolata varied in not only phenology, but also morphology across all the native plants in which it grew ( Bellard, McCarthy and Meekins 161). They also found out that Alliaria petiolata also varied in terms of seed dormancy. In their results, they also stipulate that Alliaria petiolata is a hexaploid plant species based on n=7. In tandem to Bellard, McCarthy and Meekins findings, Hanson and McCarthy also claim that Alliaria petiolata is one of the plant species that have contributed to the loss of many indigenous plants in North America. They assert that Alliaria petiolata is a non-indigenous plant species that belongs to Brassicaceae family (Hanson and McCarthy 68). According to them, it was first identified in North America in early 1868. Unlike other Brassicaceae, Hanson and McCarthy spo tulate that Alliaria petiolata spreads in the introduced environment very fast because of its monopolization of resources. To justify their point, they expound on how it took it only 20 years to spread throughout the northeastern parts of North America. By 1991, Alliaria pestiolata had spread to Canada and was identified in 30 U.S states (Blazevic and Mastelic 607). In tandem to this, Bossodorf and Prati also found out that it is through characteristic features and adaptations that Alliaria petiolata managed to invade and successively destroy North American woodlands (Bossdorf and Prati 1). They also found out that the effects of Alliaria petiolata varied with plant species; some species such as G. laciniatum was least sensitive to the allelopathic interference. In their study, Meiners and Pisula also found out that invasive plant species conquer and advance successfully in introduced areas because of allelopathy. According to them,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Controlling Carbon emissions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Controlling Carbon emissions - Essay Example Carbon sequestration is a component of CCS (carbon capture and storage). CCS aims at capturing carbon dioxide, transporting it to the place of storage and finally ensuring it is safely stored. Of all the available storage options, carbon geosequestration may be the most viable. This is because the process of geosequestration is characterized by ability to handle large volumes of gases at long periods of time. The process of geosequestration has not been commercially proven to be viable. However, it has been applied in processes of extraction oil. Carbon dioxide gas is injected into oil reservoirs. It pushes the oil up due to pressure improving the rate at which oil is flowing out. Carbon dioxide remains in the reservoirs hence, it is stored (Metz, B., Davidson, O., Swart, R., and Pan, J. 153). The process of carbon sequestration is being investigated in several parts of the world. Demonstrations are being undertaken to determine how safe and feasible this process is. The oldest demon stration has been operation since 1996 (Goulder. and Mathai, 36-37). This is the Sleipner project which store approximately 1 million tons of carbon dioxide annually. Canada has the largest project (Weyburn project) of carbon sequestration which stores about 1.5 million tons of carbon every year in its process of oil extraction. ... and Mathai, 38). Cost of Carbon Sequestration High costs pose a great challenge to carbon sequestration. It is estimated that a ton of carbon dioxide costs more than 30 dollars to sequestrate (Grubler, Nakicenovic, and Nordhaus, eds. 112). There are great technical difficulties in reducing these costs given current levels of technology. There is technological knowhow and mechanisms of separating carbon dioxide and hydrogen. However, the capital and costs of operations are quite high. This is mainly because these technologies are preferably applied in fossil fuel combustion. There are is need for more research and development in this field in order to reduce the costs of carbon sequestration. Costs of mitigating leakages of carbon dioxide form the ground are also very high. If this gas’ concentration is stabilized at double preindustrial levels, a 1% leakage is tantamount to around 850 billion dollars annually up to 2095 (Kauppi 98).therefore, a leakage of around 1 percent or l ess poses an intolerable transfer of cost to future generations. However, there is no empirical evidence that 1 % or less carbon dioxide is leaked from reservoirs. This further increases the uncertainty of costs meaning that the economic burden of carbon sequestration might even be higher than anticipated (Kauppi 105). Potential problems of carbon sequestration There are three main problems of carbon sequestration. These are; Storage security, heightened energy consumption and lack of large-scale practicality. Storage security involves the potential danger of storing carbon dioxide at very high pressure levels. Any technology used in injecting carbon dioxide is susceptible to human errors. Such an error would cause loses in property worth millions and thousands of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Product Life Cycle Theory in International Business

Product Life Cycle Theory in International Business Klug, Adam, 2006. Theories of International Trade. Routledge. This is a book from 2006 by Klug Adam and edited by Warren Young, Michael D. Bordo and Daniel Schiffman. The book tackles on various subjects of international trade including balance of payments, macro economics, political science, international relations, trade and tariffs and on business and economic issues like history and theories. Information contained in the book is very resourceful when studying international trade as its obtained from a through survey that Israeli economic historian conducted looking extensively on the different theories of international trade. Chacholiades Miltiades. 2006. The pure theory of international trade. New York: Transaction Publishers. In this book by Miltiades several theories as of international trade including the classical, neoclassical as well as the modern theories with special attention given to the problems, welfare and growth. In addition to that discussions of the major works done by major contributors in the field of international trade are included in this book. Fr instance contributions by scholars like Heckscher, Ohlin, Ricardo and Mill through Meade to the growth models of Johnson, Uzawa and Solow. In this book problems are sated clearly with easy and convenient solution being sought in each case with the technical topics in the filed discussed in several chapters as well as appendices may be omitted fro less advanced studies by lower level students without necessarily interrupting with the continuity of the book. Markusen,R James. 2004. Multinational firms and the theory of international trade. California: MIT Press. Markusen in his book above on interaction trade despite he obvious importance that multinational firms has in international economics, both theoretical as well as empirical research on such firms has usually been separately conducted especially on international trade. Therefore in this book the author has provided a comprehensive integration of both field and it has achieved this by drawing on two decades of research focusing on the interaction of scale economies, factor endowments, trade costs and competition. Decisions about whether to acquire or build a foreign plant are analyzed separately from the decisions regarding place of raising the financing. Stark John. 2005. Product lifecycle management: 21st century paradigm for product realization. Birkhà ¤user. This book explains the significance of product life cycle management both from the business as well as technical points of views. Explanations given are supported by examples which show how the world class engineering and manufacturing companies successfully implement product life cycle management. This book is very resourceful as it introduces product life cycle management which is a holistic view concerning product development, supports the use as well as the disposal for the industry globally and all these is based on the experience derived from internationally renowned companies. In addition to that the book also shows how one can take full advantage of the product lifecycle management, ways of preparing people to working with product lifecycle environment, ways of making best choices reading personal situations thus help in providing a deeper understanding as well as in the nurturing of skills that are needed to implement product cycle management successfully promoting achieveme nt of a world class product development as well as support performance. Finally the book also gives access to companion websites that contain further material reading the topic. Electronic databases Rubera Gaia, Griffith David Ordanin Andrea. 2011. Incorporating cultural values for understanding the influence of perceived product creativity on intention to buy: An examination in Italy and the US. Journal of business studies. March 2011. Vol 1 no 1 This paper was written in response to the increasing competition globally changing the market place in which new products are introduced to. Therefore the paper helps in extending the knowledge on the effects of a perceived product thus contributing to study literature through empirical investigation of the influence of cultural values on relationships between creativity dimensions of meaningfulness, novelty and intentions of buying process. The paper utilizes the schmaltz values framenwork in theorizing the cultural differences. This paper involves use of results obtained from a case study done between 206 Italian and 201 United States based consumers. Hofstede Geert, Cultural dimensions in management and planning. Asia pacific journal of management, Vol 1 No.2 pg 81-99. Management skills are culturally specific thus management techniques or even philosophy appropriate in one culture does not necessary mean its appropriate for another. This paper describes extensively scope of work related cultural differences based on research conducted in more than 50 countries around the globe. In addition to that it carries a discursion on how these differences affects validity of management techniques as well as philosophies in various countries that lay within the functioning and the meaning of planning. Hoftede Geert, Asian management in the 21st Century. Asia pacific Journal of management. Vol 24, No 4 pg 411-420. This paper is inspired by the recent research that reveals that fundamental differences regarding the goals of business leaders from various societies. Result which are contrary to the popular opinion that crucial elements of management process shows a strong continuity over a period of time, with variation from one country to another which is often as a function of the local culture. Therefore this paper explores the general characteristics of Asian management compared to management in other parts of the world focusing on the impacts of the Asian management and its origins of culture on the merging Asian multinationals as well as the state of art in management in the 21st century business world. Reuer Jeffrey Tony W Tong, 18 February 2010. Competitive consequences of interfirm collaboration: How joint ventures shape industry profitability. Journal of International Business Studies 41, 1056-1073. Based on contrasting results obtained from recent research on international business regarding he use of knowledge of joint venture in increasing through competitiveness and the research on industrialization organization economic which reveal that joint venture can also be use in various ways to attenuate completion ,this article therefore joints the two streams of research on reducing or enhancing competition through empirical testing of the effects of various types of venture on the organization profitability. Thus this paper yield results reading the above issues and also shows the importance of adopting contingent approaches in evaluation of competitive implications of various joint ventures. Finally the paper also addresses on the values of reinvigorating international business research con competitive context as well as consequences of interim collaborations. Rink Davi, 12th April 2002. Product Life cycle Research: A literature Review. Journal of Business Research Vol.7 no 3 pg 219-242 This paper contains resourceful information on the various issues .first is the review of the scope of product life cycle research, areas that require further research and finally provide guideline to be used by future researchers. This paper offer tentative conclusions which are advanced as compared to empirical evidence due to its paucity. For instance it conclude that the most common product life cycle used is the classical bell-shaped. It also has result on the success of the application of product life cycle which it finds that it has been met with quite some success. The paper also has information on the least researched areas which include the effects of different characteristics of the firm on product life cycle and the actual utilization of product life cycle strategy theories among the business planners. Finally the paper has extensive literature on validation of the existing product life cycle concept among the nondurable consumer goods leading to the conclusion that a res earch that is more diversified as well as extensive should be conducted in the future. Items public on the Internet Mullor-Sebastian Alicia. Winter 1983.The product life cycle theory: empirical evidence. Journal of international studies retrievable from: http://www.jstor.org/pss/154692 This article presents resourceful information based on three empirical test of the product cycle theory which is based on information obtained from United States data which is relatively new hence giving information on larger number of products as well as lower levels of aggregation as compared to data used in the earlier tests. The papers also provide information regarding the behavior of industrial products behavior in relation to the theory product cycle theory on world markets. in addition to that it provide result on the behavior of the individual products based on the theory. Finally the paper offer policy implications concerning the reliance of development strategies in industrial sectors rather than on individual commodities. Pomfret Richard.2008. Lecture notes on international trade theory and policy. World Scientific retrievable from: http://books.google.com/books?id=MJDuoEHuIUsCdq=Theories+of+international+tradesource=gbs_navlinks_s This book resource is available online and it provide a very comprehensive review of the international theory on international trade as well as on trade policy, including a coverage of all the research areas that have been studied including the heterogeneous firm trade models as well as trade costs. In addition to that the book proceeds to give an in-depth analysis of the history of trade policies and evolution of global trading system primarily lay an emphasis on the important policies as well as the controversial issues that include Doha Round, regionalism, fair trade as well as anti dumping duties. Olling, Renà ©Soà «nen. 2003. Feature based product life cycle modeling. Retrieved from: http://books.google.com/books?id=rYYonETpoZoCdq=Product+life-cycle+theorysource=gbs_navlinks_s In meeting the ever increasing high demands regarding improvement and speeding up of the product development process fro concept of customer feedback, feature based technology is the critical factor. Therefore it sis expected to providing better approach that enable integration complete product design process chain. this resource therefore provide a lot of important information including chapters encompassing significant phase of product development right from the conceptual design to recycling process covering topics on Knowledge based engineering, Life-phases modeling, *Manufacturing process cost estimation; *Technological links among assemblies, Multiple-view geometric modeling, Product recovery estimation, Machining preparation, Product deterioration prediction and Manufacturing modeling. This books include of a selection of resources obtained from International Conference on Feature Modeling in Advanced Design-for-the-Life-Cycle Systems (FEATS 2001) held in Valenciennes, France in June 2001. Hill, Charles (2007). International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Retrievable from: www.ebookfree-download.com//international-business6th-edition-charles-hill-pdf.php The book resource is easily accessible in the ebook.com and it has information on the stages that are involved in a product lifecycle. It gives information on the definition of terms on the topic, as well as the introduction, stage, growth stage, maturity stage and finally the decline stage. In addition to that it offer finer detail of the process hence its in details thus can be used as good resource for literature reviews and deeper understanding of the theory of product life cycle as well as the its management. The product life cycle theory Is the Product life-cycle theory significant when it comes to dynamics of international business in this modern era? Essay Plan. In addition to explain the theory of product life cycle, the theory is an economic theory that was developed by Raymond Vernon and it was based on observation that united sates firms introduced a higher proportion of the 20th century worlds new products and more of such products were first sold in the United States market. Example of such products s includes the instant cameras, television, personal computers, photocopiers as well as semi conductors (Chacholiades, 69.) The theory was developed after the Heckscher-Ohlin model failed to explain the observed pattern of international trade. The product life cycle is usually used to understand as well as analyze the various maturity stages of products and industries especially as product innovation and diffusion influences the long terms patterns of the international trade. Products life cycle was used for the first time in 1965 by Theodore Levitt in a Harvard business review article (Hill, Charles, 103). Product life cycle management is therefore a relatively new paradigm for the process of product manufacturing as it enables the company in management of its products through out their life cycles in the possible most effective way. Such management has several benefits to the company and these include the following: aid the company getting its products to the market as quickly as possible, provides a better support for the use of such products, and finally helps in a better management of their end-of-life (Klug, 424). Considering todays high competitive global markets companies are expected to meeting the increasing demands of its customers as well as rapidly continuously and rapidly improving its products and services. Thus for any company to realize such demanding goals the product life cycle management enhance the company efforts of meeting such demand by extending as well as bringing together previously separate filed s like the computer aided design, sustainable management, product data management, enterprises resource planning and the life cycle analysis and recycling (Olling, 203). Product life cycle has several stages which are the introduction stage when the company consults a through market research and develops its product, growth stage follow and in this stage involves strategies that gain the customers attention to help increase products market share, maturity stage (stage where most companies struggle in maintaining their respective market shares, growth stage )and finally the decline stage when the revenues generated from the sales of the products start to deep due to factors like market saturation, latest technological development and finally as a result of stiff competition (Pomfret, 108). The typical pattern of product life cycle has several exception which include the following: it exclude products that have very short life cycles, the luxury and service goods, products that require some specialized labour, products differentiated from competitive offerings and finally the theory excepts products for which its transportation costs are relatively higher (Chacholiades, 678). The typical theory of product life cycle by Vernon has several draw backs that include the following: the theory is les effective when it comes to explaining recent FDI trends, it also helps in explanation of the location of production unfortunately it doesnt explain the initial advantage of the firm moving areas. In addition to that the theory also appears dynamic in nature i.e. Its only programmatic and the final drawback is that it ignores licensing. Since the adoption of the theory by marketing it has achieved a universal acceptance and this is attributed to its appeal and wider application (Mullor-Sebastian, 567). The theory has been widely quoted and frequently taught element of marketing and this has it being very influential as it has been seen in other theories ranging from new product development, in the positioning and differentiation and finally in the portfolio analysis(Klug, 324). Thus product life cycle as Weber provide an intuitively appealing as well as readily understandable framework of analysis process to be used fro considering future growth.